Joyful ADHC continues to monitor the Covid-19 virus very closely. While we realize there continues to be a relatively low number of episodes, we are committed to being fully prepared and take the preventative action needed while maintaining a calm and welcoming environment for all participants, their families and our team members.
Around our communities, as testing for COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues, we are seeing CDC and state health departments take more action to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. In accordance with these latest CDC recommendations.
Joyful ADHC has initiated pre-screening and protection protocols. The health and safety of our participants and team members are our most important priority. We are proactively implementing the following steps to reduce the transmission of any illness including the coronavirus: All participants and employees are screened for travel to other countries experiencing large community transmission of coronavirus. All participants and staff are screened daily for symptoms upon arrival at the center. Any member or staff who have symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, and respiratory illness are sent home immediately. We are currently restricting access to essential visitors only. Essential visitors are people such as case managers, medical providers and others necessary to the care of our members. Nonessential visitors include but are not limited to volunteers, students, entertainers, outside groups, etc.
As much as possible, we will limit large group and close contact activities and replace them with small group activities. As the situation continues to evolve, Joyful ADHC will adapt our response to ensure we meet the needs of our members, while following all CDC and health department guidelines.
We continue to be reminded that prevention is the best way to reduce the spread of disease and we ask you follow these practices to stay healthy: If you are feeling sick, have a fever over 100, a cough or other symptoms or if you think you have been exposed to the coronavirus do not come to the center. Call us and let us help guide you over the phone. Anyone experiencing symptoms should stay home for at least 24 hours after symptoms or fever have gone away, without having taken any medications, Tylenol or ibuprofen. Wash your hands often. It is important to wash your hands before and after eating, after using the bathroom and when touching surfaces others have touched. Keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, such as phones, countertops, computers and doorknobs, using a regular household disinfecting spray or wipe. We will provide additional information if and as needed as we continue monitoring this situation. If you have any concerns, please call your center or your health care provider.